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Seven tips for healthy living

Obviously, I’m not here to give medical advice - just trying to ignite your curiosity, inspire you to further explore. Pls consult with a healthcare provider for any worry.

1. Reduced sedentary sitting time

Sitting is considered the new smoking, as hampers our metabolic, physical and mental health. We were not designed as sitting machines… we need to move! Instead of sitting down while talking on the cellphone you can walk or stand, even on one foot, to strengthen bones & muscles, as well as improve stability. In addition, can buy a standing desk for your office, that will allow to sit and stand periodically. If you wish, can also add a mini elliptical under the desk, to pedal when sitting, enhancing blood flow, strengthening muscles, burning calories. If sitting elsewhere, can do the “Soleus Push-up“: slowly lifting and dropping the heels and calfs, tricking the brain to think that you’re walking.

Our muscles are our biggest organ – activating them is an easy way for sugar regulation, calorie burn as well as enhancing muscle strength, flexibility and stability, reducing chronic diseases, cardiac risk and even enjoying improved mental health!

2. Sun exposure

The sun was demonized for causing skin cancer while, in practice, most of us have low levels of vitamin D, degrading our immunity, resilience and health. Just like any drug – it will be toxic in high doses but can support health if consumed in moderation. Mindful sun exposure, tailored to our individual skin tones, obviously w/o a sun screen and, preferably around noon, enhances mood and cognition, sleep quality via melatonin regulation, reduces blood pressure, cardiovascular and cancer risk and so much more. Obviously, need to be cautious –gradually increase sun exposure to prevent the skin from reddening, which may indicate potential DNA damage. BTW, after a year or two, the skin will develop more melanin, providing an additional layer of protection. Unfortunately, for a technical reason, the TEDx crew couldn’t bring in the sun to allow me to demonstrate…

3. Nose instead of mouth breathing

Reserve your mouth solely to speaking and eating (close the nose to change voice). OK…maybe also kissing…; Use your nose to inhale and exhale. Nose breathing enhances overall health via filtering out foreign particles & allergens, warming and moisturizing the air, infusing it with nitric oxide to enhance oxygen circulation, improving sleep quality by reducing snoring & sleep apnea breath interruptions, improving concentration and much more. Another small trick to calm down is humming instead of whistling – further reducing stress levels, blood pressure and more.

4. Belly instead of chest breathing

Belly (diaphragm) breathing increases oxygen intake, reduces heart rate and blood pressure and lowers anxiety levels. In addition, a few times a day can combine with slow belly breathing: 4 sec in & 8 sec out DEMO – do your best to sync with your heart beat. It took me about a week to get used to it – now it’s almost automatic. Such heart-lung coherent breathing enhances para-sympathetic activity for a few hours!

5. ‘Intermittent fasting’

This is the only option that has a potential downside: It’s generally advised that women avoid fasting during menstruation, pregnancy, or while nursing. It’s also not recommended for individuals who are significantly underweight.

Try to reduce, over several months, the eating window to 6-8 hours. The body will adjust its clocks accordingly – you will be surprised that you wont feel hungry!

Intermittent fasting is known to improve brain function, heart health, metabolic flexibility, balance sugar level, improve insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, regenerate immune cells via autophagy, promote weight loss as well as cancer prevention … so many benefits for free!

6. Stair Climbing

Be mindful about climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, when possible. If taking an escalator try to climb, perhaps even two stairs at a time, instead of standing. Stair climbing strengthens muscles and joints, improves heart and mental health, increases calorie burn and more.

7. Last but not least - Sleep

It’s not just how much but also when & how. Do your best to sync your circadian rhythm with the sun - aiming for earlier sleep and wake-up times. Make a conscious effort to refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol after 4PM, allowing your liver to do its job. Caffein keeps us awake while alcohol helps us fall asleep but impairs our sleep quality.

In your bedroom, try to remove or cover all the small light sources, as well as switch your phone to “airplane mode” – to sleep in complete darkness and reduce radiation exposure to a minimum. Furthermore, can download blue light filtering apps on all displays and switch cold to warm LEDs, to reduce blue light exposure and support melatonin production – enhancing sleep and immunity. PAUSE

This talk isn't about achieving perfection, but about taking action in small steps towards a healthier, more resilient you.

These small habits will provide a minimal effect in the short term but will aggregate, over time, (just like accrued interest) to significant improved resilience & health benefits.

You can start with the easiest and most doable step that you resonate with, continue gradually with additional, that you can adhere to in the long term. There is no need to implement all of them from day one and you can do these in moderation whenever possible, as “anything is better than nothing”.

Wishing you a healthy & joyful life journey

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